Lifestyle & Diet

What Type of Bread and Pasta Should I Eat on a Diabetes Diet?

One of the common misconceptions in diabetes is that if you have this condition, you can never enjoy eating pasta and bread ever again.

Experts Examine Mediterranean Diet’s Health Effects for Older Adults

According to a study published in the Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, a baseline adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MeDiet) is associated with a lower risk of hyperuricemia,

Diabetes Self-Management: Walking vs. Running

To walk or to run for exercise? This is most likely not a dilemma that most people face. After all, most Americans get very little exercise, and people who don’t even walk very much — whether out of habit or because of physical limitations — are probably unlikely to suddenly take up running.

DiabetesHealth. Hank’s Healthy Habits: 13 Steps to a Joyful, Happy Life

His diabetes began some 34 years ago. He now has a health team he consults with regularly, including an endocrinologist. At present, he takes two oral medications and is on a strict diet.

Research: Factors weighing in on long-term diabetes survival studied

Those able to survive with type 2 diabetes for more than 40 years are more likely to have better glycemic control, lower blood pressure, and more favorable lipid profiles, according to a study published

CNN. Gluten: 5 things you need to know

Like many people, you’ve probably heard about the phenomenon but really don’t understand what gluten is or what, if anything, you should be doing about it. Here are five things you need to know about gluten.

CNN Health: 25 fast and easy ways to get healthier

Get going! Here are 25 ways to get healthier right now

What does the American Diabetes Association say about Alcohol?

Beyond all the health and safety concerns about alcohol, if you have diabetes and are on diabetes medications that lower blood glucose, you need to practice caution.

US News: Want to Live a Long Time? Pay Attention

The best childhood personality predictor of longevity was conscientiousness—the qualities of a prudent, persistent, well-organized person.

FoodConsumer: Organic Tomatoes, While Smaller, are More Nutritious

Tomatoes, which are actually a fruit and not a vegetable, contain a number of valuable nutrients, and according to recent research, organically-growntomatoes are even more nutritious than their conventionally-grown counterparts.

Antidiabetic Properties of Stevia Detected in Rat Models

Stevia fed rats demonstrated up to a 64% reduction compared to elevated blood glucose levels

Calorie reduction, not bypass surgery, ups diabetes control

Calorie reduction rather than the actual Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery seems to account for the improvement in glucose homeostasis in obese patients with type 2 diabetes who undergo RYGB.

DiabetesMine: Weight Watchers Points System Still Delivers

The Weight Watchers concept began in the 1960s, when founder Jean Nidetch began inviting friends to weekly meetings inside her New York City home to discuss the best methods to lose weight

Can This Healthy Food Give You Diabetes?

Fish fans beware: People with the highest levels of mercury—commonly found in seafood—were 65 percent more likely to develop diabetes than those with low levels.

New Evidence That Green Coffee Beans Help Control Blood Sugar Levels

Scientists today described evidence that natural substances extracted from unroasted coffee beans can help control the elevated blood sugar levels and body weight that underpin type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is common cause of Charcot joint

A Charcot joint is when the joint is progressively damaged. It occurs in people with neuropathy, and diabetes is by far the most common cause of neuropathy causing Charcot joint.

Joslin Diabetes Blog. The Whole Truth: The Story Behind Whole Grains

The bran and germ contain the majority of a grain’s nutrients and fiber. Fiber isn’t digested, so doesn’t affect blood glucose or contribute calories. The different types of fiber provide a host of benefits including lowering blood cholesterol levels and preventing constipation.

Research: Higher mercury levels in humans associated with increased risk for TII diabetes

A new study found that higher levels of mercury exposure in young adults increased their risks for type 2 diabetes later in life by 65 percent. The study is the first to establish the link between mercury and diabetes in humans.

CNN Health: 7 weight loss myths (sort of) debunked

There’s a lot said about how to lose weight. As it turns out, a lot of what’s said may not be true.

Insulin Requirements Increased by High-Fat Meals for TI

A recent study, observed the effects of high fat meals on glucose levels and insulin requirements in type 1 diabetics. The study incorporated seven patients with type 1 diabetes and an average age of 55 years old.