
What are the Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a popular topic in diet and weight management. It does not focus on the diet, but rather on the pattern of eating. Previous studies have linked intermittent fasting to weight loss, and it may have other benefits for health as well, but are there any negatives associated with it? Read more

How can the High Cost of Insulin in the US be Brought Down?

Reducing the high cost of insulin in the United States will require multiple changes to the current complex drug pricing system, Mayo Clinic hematologist S. Vincent Rajkumar, MD, argues in a new commentary, The High Cost of Insulin in the United States: An Urgent Call to Action. Read more

Too Many Carbs Can Result in Diabetes

Research has shown that excess carbohydrates and other foods that raise the body’s dietary inflammatory index (DII) can lead to severe diabetes. Dietary Inflammatory index is a measure of the potential of a particular diet to raise the concentrations of inflammatory markers in the blood plasma. Read more

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Stave off Disease up to 10 Years

A study that followed 111,000 people for over 20 years found that women can gain an additional ten years and men seven years of life free of cancer, heart problems and type-2 diabetes if they maintain a healthy lifestyle. The necessary steps for health are exercising regularly, drinking in moderation only, maintaining a healthy weight […]

Mediterranean Diet May Help Slow Cognitive Decline

Previous research has suggested that eating foods like those found in the Mediterranean diet might help to protect against cognitive decline, as well as in preventing and controlling type 2 diabetes. A recent study set out to examine this in more depth, looking at the “association of a Mediterranean diet score with a 2-year change […]

Keeping Your New Year’s Exercise Motivation

At this time of year, fitness clubs and gyms run specials to bring in new members. These clubs know that most of those people will no longer be regularly attending classes or doing workouts by spring. Diabetes exercise expert Dr. Sheri Colberg shares her tips to help you avoid becoming one of those exercise dropouts. […]

Gestational Diabetes Can Increase Risk for Type 2 Decades Later

Recent research carried out on a group of Chinese women found that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes for those who had experienced gestational diabetes may be higher even after more than 20 years, compared to women who did not have gestational diabetes. Read more

Videogame Exercise can be Beneficial

A recent study looked at exercise videogames to see if they could have a positive effect on a person’s average daily exercise time as well as their HbA1c, compared to more traditional forms of exercise. Read more

Novo Nordisk Offers Free Insulin

Novo Nordisk has announced it would offer a free, one-time supply of insulin to people in immediate need and at risk of rationing the medication. Patients with prescription can get a free, one-time supply of up to three vials or two packs of pens of its insulin. Read more

FDA Approves Faster-Acting Insulin for Children

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Fiasp (insulin aspart injection; Novo Nordisk), a rapid-acting human insulin analog, for use in children with diabetes. Fiasp has an additional ingredient, niacinamide, which increases absorption speed, and was previously approved for use in adults and in insulin pumps. Read more

Tattoo Safety with Diabetes

If you have diabetes and are considering getting a tattoo, there are some things to be aware of to ensure you have a positive experience. Blood pressure and blood sugar levels can both rise while a tattoo is being applied, and high blood sugar levels can also complicate the healing process, increasing the risk of […]

Both Sugary and Artificially Sweetened Drinks May Increase Diabetes Risk

A recent study evaluated whether increasing consumption of sugary or artificially sweetened beverages over time was associated with a subsequently increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Read more

ADA Advises Wider Use of Diabetes Medications

For its 2020 recommendations, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is now advising doctors to consider prescribing sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors or glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists to patients at high risk for heart failure or chronic kidney disease (CKD), not only in patients who already have the disease. Read more

Glucocorticoids May Increase Diabetes Risk

Glucocorticoids (GC) may expose patients to the risk of diabetes, particularly with long term use, a recent study suggests. Glucocorticoids are extensively used in almost every subspecialty of medicine to treat conditions like asthma, allergies, and even rheumatoid conditions. However, they have metabolic side effects like hypertension and have a direct impact on diabetes. Read […]

Antidepressant Medications Reduce Hyperglycemic Episodes

Adults who have both diabetes and depressive disorder and who were treated with antidepressant drugs experienced fewer episodes of hyperglycemic crisis than those who were not taking antidepressant medications, new research has found. Read more

FDA Approval for First Automated Insulin Dosing Controller

The Tandem t:slim X2 insulin pump will not only discontinue the delivery of insulin if blood sugars detected by a CGM record low blood sugars, but will also calculate the amount of insulin needed and inject that insulin when needed for elevated blood sugars. Read more

The Worldwide Diabetes Epidemic

According to the International Diabetes Foundation, an estimated 425 million people currently have diabetes, a number that is expected to increase to more than 600 million within a generation, and annual diabetes deaths now outnumber those from HIV/AIDS and breast cancer, combined. Read more

Oral Insulin May Soon Be Reality

A Phase 2b study in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) was completed for what looks likely to be the first oral form of insulin (ORMD-0801). The developing company, Oramed Pharmaceuticals’, CEO Nadav Kidron and Dr. Joel Neutel, Principal Investigator of the study discuss the results. Read more

The Connection of Diabetes and Anxiety

Researchers report that anxiety affects about 40% of Americans with diabetes, a prevalence more than twice as high as in the general U.S. population. The stress and complexity of managing diabetes, as well as fear of hypoglycemia, may play a role. Read more

Coping with Holidays with Diabetes

Changes in schedules and eating habits can pose challenges for people with diabetes. These tips can help you keep your diet and blood sugar management on track over the holiday season. Read more

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